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The Nebraska Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame is proud to introduce the next member of the Class of 2024 Specialty Wing


The OWA- The Omaha Wrestling Association.


It opened its doors in 2000 when owner Morey Swanger saw a void in Nebraska in the world of Pro Wrestling. The OWA began its journey not only as a promotion, but as a wrestling school. It was not the first wrestling school based in Omaha, that honor belongs to Martin "Farmer" Burns in the 1920's and was later followed by the Dusek brothers in the 50's. The OWA found it's footings in the era of the "Monday Night Wars" and a surging popularity in wrestling. As popular as it was nationally, locally it was a baren wasteland of opportunities for prospective wrestlers and fans alike.


The doors opened to an eager group occupying the side-room of the Emerald Dragon do-jo operated by world renowned kickboxer and trainer Mick Doyle. The early days saw young men learning the basics from such great trainers as Nebraska Pro Wrestling Hall of Famers Austin Storm and Mad Dog Vachon. Hall of Famer Harley Race found his way to Omaha to encourage the group as well. That first "locker room" was filled with everyone wanting and willing to learn. A fun mix of "Yarders", back-yard wrestler that wanted to be trained properly, some "self-taught" and experienced wrestlers like Jayden Ryder (Draigo) that had just returned from training at the Shawn Michaels Wrestling Academy. Teenagers to men in their late 20's, the OWA was a dream come true for many.


On this date- March 23rd, 2001 the OWA held a show where ALL titles would be defended or introduced, The Night of Champions. There was a massive delay in the new wrestling ring being shipped, but the show must go on. The boys went on to entertain over 600 rabid wrestling fans, in a boxing ring. It was hard to tell who was more excited with having local wrestling, the workers or the fans. We thought is fitting 23 years later that we honor all of those that call themselves OWA Originals. Wrestlers, Ref's, Valets, Managers, Announcers and so many more, this is your day.


The organization lasted most of the 2000's, however over the last 20 plus years so many of the OWA Originals have continued their journey and careers in the business. That list includes Nebraska Pro Wrestling Hall of Famers Abu Colossus, Max Magnus, Donnie Peppercricket, Brian Blade, Gauge, Hype Gotti, Tony Cortez & Preston Maxwell. All of them reaching new heights inside the ring and passing their knowledge along to the current generation in the Midwest. It could be said, the seeds of the popularity boom the business is seeing locally today, 4 companies running monthly side-by-side with record crowds, can be traced to directly to one man and his dream of opening a wrestling school. In a quote from Nebraska Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame Co-Director and OWA Original Donnie Dodge,

"I believe I speak for all of us, and we can never say it enough. Thank you Big Mo, you helped us make our dreams come true.".


On behalf of the Nebraska Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame it is our honor to welcome the OWA to the Hall of Fame.



Nebraska Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame Committee

Donnie Dodge, Mikey Taylor, Timothy Linscott, Moose Monson, Moose Harder & Dave Sullivan

Some of these photos are from other companies.
They represent the OWA Original roster. 



© 2025 Nebraska Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame

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