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Paul Daniels began his career in April 2002, he would fill the majority of the next two decades alongside his brother into the Fall of 2022. As most sibling Tag-teams, they celebrated their wins and suffered through the loses. And even brothers sometimes fight, this fight was bittersweet as it was Pauls' last, "My all-time favorite match is my final one against Joey.".
Joey reciprocated the sentiment naming Paul as one of his favorite matches during his now 22-year career. Paul also stated, "I also enjoyed our tag matches against the LONRs (Mark Sterling & Darrien Sanders) a lot, they taught us so much in the ring.". Joey goes on to mention his other favorite matches beyond his in-ring brother, JC Slater, Nino Hatchet and Moonshine Russell topped that list.
With a combined 40+ years of in-ring experience of course their memories of sharing the ring wih some of the greats in the Midwest is long and distinguished. It's a who's who of talent including many now-fellow Hall of Famers like Abu Colossus(19), Babyface Tony Cortez(20), Hype Gotti(24), Zac James(24), Jaysin Strife(21), Chris Havius(22), Con Artiest, Jack Darling(21 Chip Douglas Award Winner), Donnie Peppercricket(19) and Willy Sweet.
It is an honor to have such locker room royalty join the Nebraska Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame. They truly define the hard work, dedication, creativity, perseverance and charisma that it takes to become Hall of Fame inductees for the Class of 2025.

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